Life Fitness Elliptical CT9500HR Cross-Trainer Total Body System


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The Life-Fitness Cross Trainer is a Total Body System which exercises all major muscles (Upper and Lower Body) and builds cardiovascular and muscle endurance in one complete workout session. The Cross Trainer allows you to achieve an efficient cardiovascular workout with less perceived exertion. The Cross Trainer has a super smooth, oval-shaped foot motion which results in virtually no impact to the knees or other joints. It offers 9 different programs some of which incorporate the Lifepulse system through either a telemetry strap or contact heart rate grips. Comparable to a stair stepper, treadmill, or nordic track.

  • Fat Burn and Cardio interactive programs respond to each user's heart rate, automatically adjusting the resistance level to keep each user at their target heart rate.
  • Smooth, fluid motion minimizes impact to knees, ankles, hips and lower back.
  • Resistance: 20 Levels
  • 9 pre-programmed courses
Other Information
  • 110 volts standard
